Thursday, September 30, 2010

First Post

Illegal immigration. In the United States, people have been roused up about the immigration laws and how the immigrants are affecting our economy. Americans are mostly concerned with the increase of the amount of illegal immigrants coming from Mexico and other Central American countries, such as Cuba. In my blog posts, I will evaluate the need for reform in the immigration laws and the requirements to become a US citizen. The current system is not working well because illegal immigrants are being employed in the states and do not have legal citizenship. Because America has jobs, Mexicans are making money and not contributing our economy by not paying taxes. Immigration affects government, legal issues, religion and business. As I research, I am curious to learn more about immigration in the United States and our laws. Our country was founded on European immigrants and now has becoming the melting pot. As people from Arizona are getting especially energized about the issue, I want to understand why the process to become a legal citizen and our immigration laws need to change.