Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Republicans take control!!!!!

Because Republicans have taken control of the House and many seats in the Senate, this coming year will entail some very drastic changes in terms of illegal immigration. Changes will come at the state level and at the federal level because this party has the majority. We will see drastic changes, not only in Tennessee, but across America. Although the debate was discussed in 2005 and 2006, experts anticipate people to get quite riled up in 2011. Both parties, Democrats and Republicans, believe that border enforcement and illegal immigration "to be on the forefront of American politics." Republican Lamar Smith from San Antonio believes that "the enforcement of our immigration laws is critical to both our national security and economic prosperity because we need to know who is entering our country."

I found this particularly interesting. An activist for an anti-illegal immigration group in California explained that this idea will only be publicized and people will only care about illegal immigrations if they frame the debate on jobs. He also believes that if they propose a bill purely about jobs, Obama may be more inclined to sign it if Republicans propose a solution to the lack of American jobs.

Another question was proposed in The Orange County Register, a California newspaper. If Republicans make Democrats choose between unemployed Americans and illegal aliens who have jobs, Democrats might change their opinion on reinforcement of our southern border. If it is a question of who will get the jobs, many will stand up and give their opinion which will hopefully encourage discussion in politics.

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