Tuesday, November 9, 2010

An Update in Tennessee

Since the elections in early November, Republicans gain control of the state government and are now able to pass their laws regarding immigration. Many quote that they "will crack down on the problem of illegal immigration like never before." One of the ways they will "crack down" will be to require photo identification when a person registers to vote. Even though this should have already been a requirement to register, the government has become lax about this rule. So now, Republicans plan to reinstate this requirement to prevent illegals from voting in the elections. They have also plan to punish companies that employ illegal aliens. Also, because Tennessee is "part of a coalition of states...that will uphold" the Arizona law that "penalizes employers of illegal immigrants." In January, when the state government meets again, Republicans anticipate passing a law similar to the one passed in Arizona earlier this year. (Tennessee Republicans Vow To Fight Illegal Immigration)

Not only has Arizona made an effort to prevent illegal immigration, but the Carolinas are hoping to pass laws that prevent illegals from having the same benefits as U.S. citizens. Now, Tennessee's government is planning do the same thing as they continue to think about immigration reform and aliens' effect on their businesses and state economy.

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