Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Self Analysis

When Dr. Frost first told me that I had to write a blog, I freaked out because I didn’t have a topic in which to write. After I chose illegal immigration and I started to organize my thoughts, I felt very uneducated and ill-informed about any and all aspects of the United States’ immigration system. I knew that we have had problems controlling our southern border, but I had no clue that about 4 million illegal aliens are now living in America! Now that I know that millions of people are here without documentation, I am aware that this issue is quite critical for our government to address.

Since the start of my blog, I have done extensive research by reading many factual and opinionated articles. By doing lots of reading, I have been able to identify the two sides of this debate: amnesty or no amnesty. I still have the same opinion that I had when I started writing, but now I feel familiar with both opinions. Securing our border will dramatically decrease the amount of undocumented immigrants, but now I also know that making visas easier to obtain will also help to resolve the problem. Beforehand, I didn’t know that obtaining a visa was such a long process that contributes to the reason why many Mexicans move to America without paperwork. The two components (visas and securing the Texas-Mexico border) together will help prevent the United States’ finances, businesses, and health providers from being strained from illegal aliens. Also, I had never considered that granting amnesty could boost our economy. This idea had never crossed my mind until I was writing my theory post.

As this issue continues to unfold in the November elections, I am curious to see how President Obama, Congress, and the House solve or avoid the issue of illegal immigration. I will leave you with one final quote; Jon Kyl once said, “Illegal immigration is a genuinely national issue, and resolving it requires a national commitment not just on health care but also border control, law enforcement and other resources.”

Thank you so much for reading my blog! =)

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