Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Building a Fence. Is this the answer to our problem?

I have talked about the idea of building a wall along the southern border of the United States as a way to prevent immigrants from entering illegally. Homeland Security made a proposal to reinforce the border by establishing a security fence about 700 miles. This fence will cost between 4 and 8 billion dollars to construct with each mile costing about $100 million. “On December 14, 2005 Mexican President Vicente Fox denounced as "disgraceful and shameful" a proposal to build a high-tech wall on the US-Mexico border to stop illegal immigrants. Media reports that ‘Mexico is not going to bear, it is not going to permit, and it will not allow a stupid thing like this wall.’” (US-Mexico Border Fence / Great Wall of Mexico) Although we cannot upset the Mexican government, we need to stop illegal immigrants from entering America!

The construction of the fence has started since then and “On January 22, 2010, U.S. Customs and Border Protection had completed roughly 643.3 miles of fencing (344.8 miles of primary pedestrian fence and 298.5 miles of vehicle fence) along the Southwest Border.” Border Patrol catches about 1 in every 4 illegal aliens, but will this percentage increase with the construction of a fence? Although the fence is not guaranteed to stop illegal immigrants from entering, it would certainly help. It is going to cost a fortune, but do you think that its benefits will outweigh its cost?

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