Monday, October 25, 2010

Links Post
The Federal for North American Immigration Reform (FAIR) wants to end illegal immigration and this organization explains that illegal aliens are causing harm to America.
This website gives background information about Mexicans who immigrate illegally.
The American Resistance writes an extensive article that gives accurate statistics about the numbers of illegal aliens in the United States and how those numbers are expected to grow.
USA Today explains how illegal immigration is affecting health care costs and taxes.
The Center for Immigration Studies gives a very descriptive article that explains how and why the illegal immigration population is changing.
The article gives reasons to why amnesty for illegal aliens would be the most logical solution to this issue.
The New York Times’ Eduardo Porter writes an article describes how illegal immigrants are paying into Social Security, but are not reaping the benefits.
The politics concerning illegal immigration is described in The Atlantic’s article.
Businessweek expounds upon the idea that businesses are employing illegal immigrants as workers in their article.

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