Tuesday, October 26, 2010

An Angry American Citizen

Previously, I talked about the ideas of illegal immigration from the perspective of a Mexican citizen, and now I am going to give an opinion from an American.

To: U.S. Federal Government

It has been said that Mexicans are not just trying to live out the “American Dream,” but they are also trying to earn money to feed their starving families. (Illegal Immigration - The people suffer while politicians squabble) Mexican immigrants do need the money to support their families, but it is not right that they can come into this country and be employed by companies that would otherwise be hiring U.S. citizens. I live in southern Texas, I am the father of two children, and I am out of work. I really need a job, and I feel that there is so much job competition here in Texas because of the mass majorities of illegal immigrants. I do not want to sound rude or anything, but you should consider how the Americans are being affected by the lack of enforcement along our southern border. I am furious that little has been done in the past few years! There is unnecessary job competition in the southern states, and I believe you have the power to fix this. Please listen to my thoughts and consider making reforms to our immigration system. Thank you for your time!

An Angry and Frustrated American Citizen

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