Monday, October 25, 2010

My Classmates' Blogs

What the War is Costing Us
I have really enjoyed reading this blog because I have always been curious about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but I had never researched them. I like reading the way she doesn't discuss why we aren't in the Middle East, just the effects of the wars.

Healthcared - Carolina
This blog discusses health care reform, including the health care bill and President Obama's policies. Even though he has a conservative viewpoint of health care, he does an excellent job at giving unbiased posts. By reading this blog, I can really understand the positive and negative consequences that the Universal Health Care Bill will have on our country.

I have following this blog and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every one of the posts. Because I am curious about fossil fuels and creating alternative energy sources, I was pleased to read about this current issue. Although developing these other energy sources will be expensive, I agree that it is necessary to do so to avoid harming the environment and depleting all of our natural resources. While it will take years, our country should take a greener approach to energy like this blog suggests!

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