Monday, October 18, 2010

Theory Post: The Polarized Sides of Illegal Immigration

As the issue of illegal immigration surfaces, two specific sides have been established. (Opinions) The liberals and conservatives have two conflicting opinions, which makes it difficult for the federal government to make any progress. Liberals support amnesty for the “undocumented” immigrants and believe that the illegal immigrants should be given the same rights as citizens have. In contrast, conservatives oppose amnesty and want strict enforcement along the United States’ southern border. These beliefs are formed due to other opinions regarding racism, money, jobs, and ethics. Some are racist against Mexicans becoming U.S. citizens, others are concerned about the economic pressure illegal immigrants are causing our country, while many are worried that illegal aliens will take the jobs from naturalized citizens. No matter what people’s opinions are about the subject, the issue is very emotionally based and very much an ethical issue.

To solve the problem, it doesn’t make sense to let all Mexicans into our country and on the other hand, we can’t close our borders to prevent all immigration. These options are just too extreme! I believe some of these immigrants should be given permission to work here for a period of time and then they should be required to leave. For both sides to agree, I propose a reform in the process of acquiring green cards. The problem is that it is near impossible to get a green card. (Green Card Availability) By the time a person starts filing out the application to when they are granted permanent residence, it can take anywhere between 3 months and a few years. (Acquiring a Green Card) Who has enough time to wait three years? Also, the U.S. government gives preference to those who are researchers, have college degrees, and are considered skilled workers. (Elligibility for a Green Card) Since the majority of Mexicans are uneducated, they are not going to have a degree or be skilled in any particular task. That is the reason why they are coming to America! So, thousands chose immigrate without the legal documents necessary. Therefore, the government should consider amending the laws to acquiring a green card. When immigrants are applying for green cards, we should give them the opportunity to be employed by businesses that hire unskilled workers, such as construction and landscape companies. Then, while they are here in America, during a specified time period, immigrants are employed legally, are documented by the government, and the process takes a reasonable amount of time.

1 comment:

  1. This post is really interesting, you present a lot of information I was unaware about. The government definitely needs to reform some of there policies in regards to immigration. I also agree with you preposition that immigrants be allowed to enter, live, and work in the country for a specific amount of time. The government definitely needs to make some changes, and do what is best for America. I think some of the ideas you propose are a good way to resolve some of the current conflicts.
